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“New peak of air pollution in…” A message very often relayed by different media?
Air pollution and poor indoor air have health impacts, causing chronic respiratory conditions and being classified as carcinogens. It is therefore crucial to monitor and raise awareness of indoor and outdoor air quality to protect our health.

To this end, when the doctor suspects that his patient's health is linked to his accommodation, he calls on the health housing advisors (CHS) and indoor environment advisors (CEI) for a visit. These experts identify the sources of indoor pollution and provide personalized advice, adapted to each situation. They can also take samples and analyze pollutants such as mold. If necessary, they recommend that the family consult other professionals in the event of regulatory breaches. All observations and recommendations are recorded in a written report sent to the prescribing doctor and the people concerned.

In this context, URE TransitionS is involved in the FLARE research project (Favoring and legitimizing expert actors and stories).
This project, directed by Pr Vincent MEYER, through the methodological approach of research-action, must promote the emerging professionalization of CHS/CEI, and improve the effectiveness of their interventions in the appropriation and application of their recommendations, by and with patients. The project also aims to assess the social acceptability of digital technologies that these advisers could use (air quality sensors, interfaces, etc.).
The project also aims to improve the initial and continuing training of these professionals through innovative educational tools.


As part of FLARE, two University Diplomas dedicated to indoor air quality are offered:

DU “Habitat-health advice” at the Faculty of Medical and Paramedical Sciences in Marseille

DIU SEMI "Environmental Health and Internal Environment" at the University of Lille

Financially supported by arard - Home healthcare provider, and conducted in partnership with the Nice University Hospital Center (Nice University Hospital), the Association for the Prevention of Atmospheric Pollution (APPA) and theIMREDD - University of the French Riviera as part ofIMREDD - UX for Smart Life Chair, in view of the interest of the work carried out, in particular the documentary below, the researchers involved in FLARE have recently been invited to contribute to the AIR working group as part of the development of the 4th  Regional Health  Environment Plan ;of the'Regional Health Agency - Provence-Alpes-Côte-d'Azur (ARS Paca).

More results on the progress of the work of this project are to come!

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